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Who is DPOP?

Dominion Prosthetic and Orthotic Purchasing (DPOP) is a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) for prosthetic, orthotic, pedorthic, and mastectomy care providers.  Our sole focus is to save providers money on the products they buy every day. 
Together we are better

There is no cost to join and no requirement to buy anything from anyone.  Just sign up and start saving

Group Purchasing 101

How Does Group Purchasing Work?

It's All About Purchasing Power

Individual companies on their own have little purchasing power, leaving them at the mercy of suppliers to pay at or close to the list price.

There is strength in numbers – consolidating spend with other buyers who share similar needs is the best way to attain leverage with suppliers and cost savings.  

By negotiating contracts with suppliers based on the purchasing power of hundreds or thousands of members, a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) can deliver cost savings that the individual member is unable to attain on his/her own.

Regardless of size, every member is able to purchase like (or better than!) the big players do.

Group Purchasing in O&P

The Importance of a GPO

As an industry composed primarily of small to midsize companies with similar purchasing behavior, O&P providers are perfectly positioned to benefit from GPO membership

GPOs, though a vital strategy for generating cost savings and adding value, remain a relatively well-kept secret in many walks of business.

Manufacturers aren’t shouting from the rooftops that their customers can join a GPO, though most benefit from being a GPO supplier partner.

Virtually all of America’s hospitals and majority of long-term care facilities, clinics, surgery centers, dental practices, veterinarians and other healthcare providers are GPO members. 

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